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Kamis, 01 Desember 2011


Tyrannosaurus Rex
Tyrannosaurus rex, sometimes just called T-rex, is believed to be the largest and most fearsome predator on Earth's land ever to have existed. (General Classification)
This dinosaur once roam the Earth in the Creataceous period approximately 68 to 65 million years ago. As a carnivorous dinosaur, this giant predator most likely ambushed their prey, and devoured them with jaws full of white sharp teeth. (Description)
With it's fast ability to run at an astonishing speed of 32 mph (50 kmh), a perfect slim and stiff tail that gave it an excellent balance and allowed it to make quick turns, equipped this gigantic predator and made it even more deadly, like a killing machine. (Description)

Social function :
To described the way things are, with reference to a range of natural, man made and social phenomena in our environment.
Generic Structure :
a.     General Classification
b.     Description


Hirup Ngan Ukur Cenah

 Cenah hirup teh jalan nu pagaliwota
Sedeng cinta ngan saukur teteguhan
Urang bebas leumpang mapay nu can kasorang
Nyorangan atawa babarengan teu jadi sual
Di mana aya kacinta di dinya urang bakal ngalalana

Cenah hirup teh kabel nu pakuranteng
Sedeng cinta ngan sakadar layar monitor
Sing nyalse. Sing daria. Tumaninah.
Sabab jaga teuing kumaha boa
Di mana aya tunggara di dinya urang eureun ngalalana.

Cenah hirup ayeuna teh di dunya
Sedeng cinta teuing di mana ngancikna


Kamu bisa menolak
Kamu bisa membenci
Kamu bisa mempermainkan
Kamu bisa menuduh
Kamu bisa mencaci maki
Kamu bisa angkuh
Kamu bisa menyiksa
Kamu bisa menghancurkan hatiku
Tapi tidak untuk suatu saat nanti
Ketika semua telah mati
Ketika semua dihidupkan kembali
Suatu saat nanti..
Aku akan mencarimu
Aku akan menemukanmu
Aku akan mendekatimu
Hingga aku tepat didepanmu
Suatu saat nanti..
Kulihat matamu
sayu, tidak sebinar dulu
Ku lihat mulutmu
rapat, tak sebesar dulu
Ku lihat lidahmu
Kelu, tak setajam dulu
Ku dengar suaramu
Lirih, tak selantang dulu
Suatu saat nanti..
Matamu akan melihat terang
Mulutmu akan berkata apa adanya
Hatimu tak akan berdusta
Tanganmu tak bisa membantu
Kakimu tak bisa berlari
Wajahmu tak bisa berpaling
Suatu saat nanti..
Aku akan bertanya padamu
“Apa yang telah kamu lakukan dulu ?”
“Ada apa di hatimu ?”
“Sedangkan kamu sadar, bahwa kamu melukaiku ?”
Suatu saat nanti..
Kamu akan berlutut seraya berkata
“Aku telah berpura-pura”
“Aku telah bersandiwara”
“Aku telah berdusta”
“Maafkan aku”
“Sebenarnya aku rapuh, saat membutuhkanmu”
“Sejujurnya aku menangis bila rindu”
“Aku sungguh menyayangimu”
“Aku benar benar mencintaimu”
Suatu saat nanti..
Aku raih tanganmu
Aku dekap erat tubuhmu
saat air matamu berlinang perlahan
berderai, luruh berjatuhan
menimpa dan menyatu
dengan air mataku dulu


Lukaku Bahagiamu
Dahulu kau memohon berlabuh di hatiku
Dan sandarkan hatimu di dermaga cintaku
Aku sambut hangat semua itu
Betapa bahagianya diriku mencintaimu
Begitu bahagianya diriku dapat membelaimu
Namun setelah kau
Merasa ku sangat mencintaimu
Lantas kau pergi tinggalkanku
Hanya untuk balaskan dendammu
Pada lelaki yang dulu pernah menyakitimu


Di Sini Di Tempat Ini
Di sini, di tempat ini
Dua rasa tumbuh bersemi
Dua cinta saling menyayangi
Untuk melangkah di bumi
Di sini, di tempat ini
Semua kesedihan dan tangis
Tiada lagi mewarnai hati
Kini bersinar indah bagai bintang langit
Tetapi di tempat ini
Dua rasa saling membenci
Dua cinta saling menyakiti
Un tuk perjalanan cerita yang putih
Di sini, di tempat ini
Semua kisah telah berakhir
Selamanya tiada lagi cinta yang mengalir
Sampai nafas di surga nanti

PIDATO School of Environmental Hygiene

Assalamualaikum warrah matullahi wabarahkatu

Dear ladies and gentlemen of all teachers, and friends that I love.

First of all let us pray praise and thanksgiving to God, because of the presence of Him is our health and can still be gathered together in this event. In this occasion I also want to thank you for having given the opportunity to stand here.

As we know, these days we often hear the floods continue to hit Jakarta. New rain just a little river was overflowed. This is due to the silting of the river that exist around Jakarta. Siltation is caused because garbage piling up. If allowed to continue in the future is not impossible that the rivers in Jakarta will be filled with garbage. Communities around the riverbanks in Jakarta love to casually dispose of household garbage into the river. And they know that littering is a big impact. This is just one of the effects of not keeping the environment clean, actually there are many other effects. But before we discuss this issue further, it is good we look at ourselves first. Do we have to keep our school environment clean ?

As students we should have started to learn to keep the environment clean, such as the school environment. In addition to keeping our environment clean school, activities in schools will be more healthy and comfortable. Because we continue to maintain the cleanliness of the school, then there will no longer smell of garbage and debris that can disturb the comfort of activity.Besides garbage that piled up can also cause various diseases, because the waste contains a lot of bacteria.

Actually there are many ways to maintain a healthy school environment. First, always dispose of plastic or food wrappers in the trash, so it will not trash strewn everywhere. Then always make picket duty schedule for cleaning the classroom, because by making picket schedule, every day of class will be neat and clean.

Actual awareness of environmental hygiene school is in ourselves, if we want to try for sure we can keep the environment in our schools. Because if not we who guard it, who else ?

Perhaps the speech so that I can convey to my friends, sorry if there are words that are less pleasing. Hopefully my friends going with me to get used to keeping the environment clean our beloved school.

Wassalammualaikum warah matullahi wabarokatu

Langkah Awal Sukses UAS

1. Sholat tengah malam (Tahajud)
2. Menghafal pelajaran
3. Latihan soal-soal bayangan UAS
4. Berdo'a kepada Alloh SWT, agar dimudahkan dalam pelaksanaannya
5. Kurangi waktu bermain
Insya Alloh kalian akan sukse UAS dengan nilai tinggi.. Amiiin !!