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Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

PIDATO School of Environmental Hygiene

Assalamualaikum warrah matullahi wabarahkatu

Dear ladies and gentlemen of all teachers, and friends that I love.

First of all let us pray praise and thanksgiving to God, because of the presence of Him is our health and can still be gathered together in this event. In this occasion I also want to thank you for having given the opportunity to stand here.

As we know, these days we often hear the floods continue to hit Jakarta. New rain just a little river was overflowed. This is due to the silting of the river that exist around Jakarta. Siltation is caused because garbage piling up. If allowed to continue in the future is not impossible that the rivers in Jakarta will be filled with garbage. Communities around the riverbanks in Jakarta love to casually dispose of household garbage into the river. And they know that littering is a big impact. This is just one of the effects of not keeping the environment clean, actually there are many other effects. But before we discuss this issue further, it is good we look at ourselves first. Do we have to keep our school environment clean ?

As students we should have started to learn to keep the environment clean, such as the school environment. In addition to keeping our environment clean school, activities in schools will be more healthy and comfortable. Because we continue to maintain the cleanliness of the school, then there will no longer smell of garbage and debris that can disturb the comfort of activity.Besides garbage that piled up can also cause various diseases, because the waste contains a lot of bacteria.

Actually there are many ways to maintain a healthy school environment. First, always dispose of plastic or food wrappers in the trash, so it will not trash strewn everywhere. Then always make picket duty schedule for cleaning the classroom, because by making picket schedule, every day of class will be neat and clean.

Actual awareness of environmental hygiene school is in ourselves, if we want to try for sure we can keep the environment in our schools. Because if not we who guard it, who else ?

Perhaps the speech so that I can convey to my friends, sorry if there are words that are less pleasing. Hopefully my friends going with me to get used to keeping the environment clean our beloved school.

Wassalammualaikum warah matullahi wabarokatu

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